Foundational Series: Creating a Data-Driven Sales & Marketing Machine in Hospitality & Travel

Wednesday, September 18th, at 1:00 PM ET / 10:00 AM PT

Who’s your ideal client? Which leads should sales call first? And how can you provide your team with more context as they engage with prospects and clients?

Without the right data and strategy in place, hospitality and travel organizations face significant hurdles in understanding their customer base, identifying high-value prospects, and optimizing their sales and marketing efforts. Modern people data and artificial intelligence (AI) offer unparalleled opportunities to enhance client engagement, identify net new leads, and drive revenue growth.

Join Windfall's Customer Success Manager, Kelsey Day, and Implementation Specialist, Cesar Rizo, to discover practical ways to incorporate data-driven strategies into your day-to-day operations and revolutionize your approach to client engagement and premium sales.

This session will explore:

  • The advantages of modern wealth, liquidity, and career data
  • Challenges facing today's travel and hospitality markets and the importance of client context
  • Opportunities to leverage machine learning and AI to improve marketing efforts
  • Best practices for implementing people data into your sales and marketing workflows
  • Bonus: Use cases and examples from existing Windfall customers

Please fill out the form to save your seat. We hope you and your team will join us!


Kelsey Day

Kelsey Day

Customer Success Manager, Windfall


Cesar Rizo

Implementation Specialist, Windfall

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